Lehigh Valley Computational Sciences Day

Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 5:00am to 1:00pm
“Journey to the Center of Earth: Physics Simulations of Materials at Earth’s Core Conditions using Machine Learning” Dr. Jorge A. Munoz (PhD’13, Caltech) Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at El Paso “Finite Element Exterior Calculus in Four-Dimensional Space with Applications” Dr. David Williams (PhD’13, Stanford) Assistant Professor at The Pennsylvania State University “From Unknowable to Unknown: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe And Predicting the Future using Bayesian Thinking” Dr. Tommie A. Catanach (PhD’17, Caltech) Sandia National Laboratories “How Neural Networks is Revolutionizing Biomedicine: Understanding What Leads to Aneurysm” Dr. Yue Yu (PhD’14, Brown) Professor at Lehigh University REGISTRATION REQUIRED. VISIT EVENT WEBSITE OR CONTACT PROF. XIANYI ZENG AT XIZ222@LEHIGH.EDU TO REGISTER.

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